2 years Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives

Today, the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives celebrates two years since the decree on its creation was issued!

This year, the Baltic Rally Motorcycle Festival for the first time became the winner of the Foundation's grant competition!

We would like to express our gratitude to the Foundation for providing comprehensive support to the authors of projects in the field of culture, art and creative industries. In two years, the Foundation supported 4,945 creative initiatives totaling more than 15.5 billion rubles. They are implemented in every region of our country. Among them is our project!

This year, thanks to a grant from the Foundation for Cultural Initiatives, we plan to revive the tradition of holding Singing Festivals on the unique Singing Field in the city of Vyborg.

We invite everyone to visit the Concert of 10 Spiritual Choirs of various confessions on the Singing Field on July 20 from 12.00!

We would like to wish the Fund further development, the most interesting and useful projects for the country and, of course, high-quality applications from potential grant recipients! Thanks for all!